

November Bulletin丨Bosch Actor for a Better Life!

“博世·美好行动者” 由博世中国慈善中心和上海联劝公益基金会共同发起的公益项目,旨在鼓励博世员工从关注身边的社会公共议题出发,利用所在社区、企业等资源,对所关注的议题进行积极探索并实践,最终实现企业和所在社区的和谐共同发展。

The "Bosch Actor for a Better Life" is a public welfare project jointly initiated by the Bosch China Charity Center and the Shanghai United Foundation. It aims to encourage Bosch employees to start from paying attention to the social public issues around them, utilize the resources of their communities, enterprises, etc., actively explore and practice the issues of concern, and finally achieve the harmonious and common development of the enterprise and its community.