

Ten Years of Charity Journey, Helping Students Build Their Dreams

2014 年 10 月,博世中国慈善中心与江南大学在物联工程学院合作启动,拉开十年携手序幕。

In October 2014, the cooperation between Bosch China Charity Center and Jiangnan University was launched in the School of Internet of Things Engineering, kicking off a decade-long journey of collaboration.

时光悄然流转,至 2024 年 3 月,博世中国累计捐赠数额超 500 万,助力 270 余名贫困学子圆满完成学业,为他们的人生点亮希望之光;推动370 余名同学勇敢踏上奔赴海外研学的征程,让他们在广阔天地中拓展视野、汲取知识。此外,近 100 支科创队伍和教师也因在学科竞赛中的卓越表现而获得奖励,激励着他们在科技创新的浩瀚海洋中乘风破浪、奋勇前行。

Time passes quietly, by March 2024, Bosch China has accumulated donations of more than 5 million. It has helped more than 270 impoverished students successfully complete their studies, lighting up the light of hope for their lives. It has also promoted more than 370 students to bravely embark on the journey of overseas study tours, allowing them to expand their horizons and absorb knowledge in the vast world. In addition, nearly 100 scientific and technological innovation teams and teachers have also been rewarded for their outstanding performances in discipline competitions, inspiring them to brave the waves and forge ahead in the vast ocean of technological innovation.



  • “博爱无形,远翔有迹”:从“帮困助学”发展至“博远计划”,此项目全心致力于为贫困学子“点亮明灯”,全力维护他们享有同等追逐梦想的宝贵机会。
  • “厚学励勤,以奖促优”:该项目激励并支持敢于创新、勇于突破的优秀师生科创团队,大力鼓励学生勤学善为、脚踏实地。
  • “博动时代,智创未来”:“博动未来”创新挑战赛与高校大学生创新训练计划项目紧密结合,支持并助力在校学生挖掘更多创新想法,为学生的创意搭建起精彩的展示舞台。
  • “赛场竞智,点亮梦想”:此项目以提供支持经费的形式,通过开放实验室、安排指导教师、提供实验器材及仪器等方式,切实为学子打造科创平台,全力助推他们的科创梦想。



