

Shanghai Hope Project 30th Anniversary Contribution Award

2008年汶川地震后,博世中国通过上海希望工程定向捐助了一所受灾影响的学校,迁址重建校园,这是博世中国慈善公益启航的地方。在过去的数十年里,博世中国多次携手上海希望工程一同开展了“博爱教师成长计划”、“大学生新生助学金项目”、“抗击疫情 希望同行”、“青泽行动”等公益项目,获得了来自社会各界的好评。

After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Bosch China donated a school affected by the disaster through the Shanghai Hope Project, relocated and rebuilt the campus. This is the place where Bosch China‘s charity and public welfare set sail. In the past few decades, Bosch China has collaborated multiple times with Shanghai Hope Project to carry out public welfare projects such as the "Bosch China Rural Teacher Training", "Bosch University Bursary Program" and " 1st Youth Volunteer Action for Rural Revitalization", which have received praise from all sectors of society.


Today, Bosch China is also fortunate to have won the "Shanghai Hope Project 30th Anniversary Contribution Award". Looking forward to a better future, we are willing to work together, work hand in hand, and sow new hope for more young people under the call of the new era!
